Ultrafiltration for wine and grape juice
Plant specially designed for producers of:
- Clear juices to be concentrated or fermented (production of ciders or wine) with transmittance OD < 95%;
- Juices to be reduced in yellow color in order to obtain clear and long time stable products, with absorbance OD at 420nm > 0,4;
- Juices with TAB (Thermo Acidophilic Bacterium), a dangerous agent for juice oxidation, after filling into aseptic boxes and long time storing. The UF line could also be equipped with a crossflow rotary dynamic filter “Dynamos” for the recovery of retentate coming out from the ultrafiltration plant in the event of no diafiltration process (so in refermentation) in order to reduce the environmental impact of wastes of the standard UF plants. Plants are available from 5 to 60 t/h with a cut off variable from 100.000 to 500.000 dalton.