Industry 4.0: this is our solution!

Industry 4.0 is now a sentence that occurs more and more often in our working days. What is it about? The trend towards industrial automation, through the integration of new technologies that can improve working conditions and the quality and quantity of production.

To fall into this category and benefit from the tax aid provided by the law, each company (as far as Italian regions) must meet specific requirements, which are not always easy to investigate.

In addition to the characteristics that the machines must have (by law), the companies that undertake this path must:

  • make a communication to the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE)
  • acquire a certificate that demonstrates that the asset possesses all the binding technical characteristics required by law and is interconnected to the production management system or to the supply network
  • report the express reference to the provisions of paragraphs 1054 to 1058 of Article 1 of Law 178 of 30 December 2020 on the invoice and in other documents relating to the acquisition of subsidized goods.

How does TMCI Padovan come into Industry 4.0?

Simple! Our automatic machines, equipped with PLC, are “Industry 4.0 ready”, certified by an external company in charge. Our machines meet the necessary requirements of the Italian legislation, and what we can do as a company is to help our customer throughout the bureaucratic process for obtaining the contribution, up to the issue of the final certification.